Manufacturer Partner Relationship Management

Boost product awareness, brand use cases, certification training and more through our complete manufacturer partner optimization platform.
Quickly engage your manufacturing partners with easy to use and effective modules that make partners enjoy telling their networks about your brand.


Of partners say vendor channel programs are too complex. Symbio makes it super simple to manage and use!


Of partners say they could have more success if content was easier to access. Symbio gives you an “all in one” platform for accessing content.


Of partners agree, if your brand doesn’t have a strong relationship with them, they won’t be motivated to helping your growth.

Channel and Competitive Intelligence

Your partner network is one of your greatest assets. With the easy to use Symbio platform you can use your partners to derive maximum channel and competitive intelligence. The Symbio’s robust analytical features take all the guesswork out of managing your manufacturing partner program. Augment our in-depth reporting with our AI enabled tools to get an advantage over the others.

Product Configurators

NextBee’s Symbio comes with a product configuration Engine that assists you to enable the critical features of our engagement platform to meet your requirements. With the product configurator, you can automate business processes, boost seamless operations, and engage customers at every touch-point.

Effective Manufacturer Partner Engagement Starts with Proven Methods

Recognition & Communication Modules

Exclusive Engagement & Incentives Modules


Resource Upload and Training Engagement Modules


Loyalty, Referral & Advocacy Modules

Easy to Setup & Flexible to Run

Easily upload resources, create rules, and incorporate features designed to boost partner activity and track progress.

Reduce Partner Churn

Engaged partners stay with a company longer. And if those partners refer others then those partners, because they were referred, will likely build the manufacturer’s brand faster throughout their client networks.

Unlimited Rewards

Reward your manufacturing partners for their continued efforts by offering either in-house or 3rd party rewards through nearly 200 vendor options which include both digital and physical items.

Reduce Overhead with Commission Free Rewards

Flexible redemption rules can motivate users to redeem rewards and since we never take a commission on rewards, you save even more money.

Optimize the Lifetime Value of Your Manufacturing Partners by Providing Them What They Need - Support & Communication.

Get Started with Symbio Today!

Benefit from Our Years of Experience in Partner Lifetime Value Optimizations


NextBee Corporation
155 Bovet Rd Suite 700
San Mateo, CA 94402

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            Experience the success that in-depth data analysis can bring to your company.
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              Experience the success that in-depth data analysis can bring to your company.
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                Step 2 - Schedule Appointment

                Experience the success that in-depth data analysis can bring to your company.
                Register for a Soicalbits Account to get started and we’ll connect with you in the next 48 hours.

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